Worship & Bible Study Groups

Worship Service

Saturdays: 10:45 AM
At our 11 am worship service we gather together as a church family in God and give Him honor and praise. We worship God through our children’s story, giving an offering, sharing personal stories of how God has worked in our lives.  We also sing praises to our God and life our cares and burdens to Him through prayer.  God’s word is shared and shows how an ancient text speaks to the complexities of the modern world.


Bible Study

Children, Youth, & Adult Groups

Saturdays: 9:30 AM

Children’s Classes – Cradle Roll

Ages 0-4
Introduce your little treasures to God’s word via an age-appropriate weekly Bible program.

Children’s Classes – Kindergarten

Ages 4-6
A fun interactive class allows your children to discover God through the hearing of God’s word as well as exciting crafts.

Children’s Classes – Primary

Ages 7-9
In this class, your children will discover God and have some of their questions answered as they see how God’s word answers the questions to life.

Children’s Classes – Juniors

Ages 10-13
In this class, your child will discover the hidden treasures of God’s and His unending love for them. They will also be challenged to enter into an everlasting relationship with their forever Friend Jesus and give their lives to Him in baptism.

Earliteens & Youth

Ages 14-18
An exciting class where the Bible meets life’s challenges that our teenagers face giving them direction for their lives as they navigate the complexities of their lives.

Adult Bible Study Classes

There are various options for adult Bible Study Groups.